SBI! Action Guide

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Soon to be on SBI Day 7

As continutes to grow, so do I.

Creating the content and adding some HTML code is becomming more natural, though I still use my "code templates" reason not to.

In addition to content, I've created my privacy/legal policies page as well as my site map.

When SBI released the option for the 3rd column, even for Block Buildit templates, I made a decision.

I'm not going to add it...just yet. When I do, I see it as being where I'll add the invitations for Content 2.0...meaning where visitors will be able to add their own contributions.

The cool feeling is that I like my is really bringing forth the vision I had for it, and I am feeling more at ease with how my site blueprint is tieing together...meaning, my original plan is OK!

Though I'm confident that I will not be reaching my goal of 30 pages before the end of the year, I'm fine with that.

The content I'm creating is quality, and that, after all is what is is all about!