SBI! Action Guide

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'm still here...and so is Cat Talk

Obviously, I've not posted here in quite some time. Probably because I've not been actively creating content for Cat Talk in the last couple of months.

When I ask myself, "WHY?" did I stop writing, I have a few ideas...mostly because the demands of some "spring time" projects seemed to consume my energy. Then that crazy old thing called "life" sort of drained my creative side.

The good thing is that I'm back to work on my site...partially published a new content page on the Cat's Ears...partially meaning that I have the content written and coded, but I did not completely upload everything.

Tonight marks the first time I've added video to my website...using YouTube and the embed feature is a snap. I'm really looking forward to eventually uploading my own videos, but, for now, I'm confident the videos I've chosen will really help to emphasize all that I am teaching about the cat's ears.

I still have the goal to write and publish one content page and one product review per week. It does not sound like anything too grand, so, I'll strive to complete that goal and eventually, build my content to 30 pages so I can begin to monetize.

Between now and then, I'm looking forward to creating more excellent content...getting back into my "teaching" frame of mind!

Thanks for reading and I hope to check in more often!


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