SBI! Action Guide

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Finding The Time - A book available on

Though far from perfect, I am doing quite a lot better on staying focused and productive. In fact, I'm re-reading a great book titled: Finding The Time, by Sharon Hanby-Robie. It's from a series called "The Spirit of Simple Living" originally offered by Guideposts, but now available new and used for half the price on

The book is written in short chapters, easy to read and graced with gentle teachings of the Bible to support what is being taught in each chapter. As a way to make time to read, I try to do so each morning while having my breakfast. A nice way to get positive thinking started early in the day!

As regards my progress with the SBI! Video Action Guide...I've watched and read (with the online text) the introduction and Day 1....I watched Day 2 last night, but was so exhausted that I literally fell asleep at my computer. At the end of the video there is cheering and that is what awakened me...I'd insert a blushing smile here if I had one!

Needless to say, the combination of being tired, not starting the video until 10pm and the section being detailed meant that I was not in the right place at the right time. I will try again tonight to see if I can stay awake and absorb the information.

I will say this, without a doubt from what I've seen so far, the tools received from the SBI! web building program are out of this world incredible. It's definitely going to be worth the price.

Again, for anyone reading this, if you want to have a look at the program, this version of the SBI! Video Action Guide is totally free to review.

Well, time waits for no I'm off to watch Day 2, for a 2nd time!

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